Heading into Boston in about an hour with G - we're going to the WWE show at the Garden. G is bouncing off the walls as I type, as she's about to see her hero, John Cena, in person. It should be fun.
Spent last Friday at the North Shore Spirit game in Lynn with a couple of friends from the Noise Board. Sat behind home plate, drank a few beers, watched the game and talked about music. The home team even had a chance to tie the game in the bottom of the ninth, but the runner was thrown out at home (rather easily). Went into Chinatown yesterday for a dim sum run at Emperor's Garden and some bubble tea in Harvard Square.
Hard to believe the football season starts this week. Will have to fight the students moving into their apartments to get to the BC game on Saturday.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Monday Night Raw
Posted by
Anatomically Incorrect
5:58 PM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
"If I knew I was going to live this long, I would've taken better care of myself"
Just a quick note - successfully made it through G's sweet 16 party and my own 50th birthday. Both events went well, and I promise to follow up with more information. Right now I'm dead tired from going to the gym and working to get the weight I've put on since vacation back off to stay.
I count my blessings and am thankful I'm here, relatively healthy and surrounded by family and friends. And that's what it's all about in the end, innit?
Posted by
Anatomically Incorrect
10:08 PM
Monday, August 6, 2007
Sheiky Baby!
After getting back from NH on Saturday, I took G over to Somerville to the MWF show. The main attraction was The Iron Sheik, who was surprisingly low-key. No ranting and raving - he sat behind a table and signed autographs and posed for pictures. In the photo above, the guy on the left called a friend on his cellphone, then handed it over to Sheiky, who was nice enough to chat for a minute. now, I do have to say the Sheik was a bit glassy-eyed, but I didn't bring a breathalyzer along, so I'm left to my suspicions.
The show itself wasn't bad - they imported talent like Road Dogg and Alex Shelley from TNA, and Joey Mercury, who was recently released by the WWE. The usual local performers were there, like Slyck Wagner brown and Rick Fuller, along with Diehard Eddie Edwards, whom I had never seen before and came away impressed by. G liked Nocturne, and happily razzed him as "Emo Boy". It ran long though, didn't get out of there until 11:25. The crowd was down to under 100 by the end.
G had never been up close for matches ( we sat in the third row), and she was pretty impressed by the bumps the guys took. All told, a fun evening.
Posted by
Anatomically Incorrect
8:36 PM
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Vacation 2007
Back home after spending the week in the North Conway NH area. We rented a condo in Glen, just up the road from Storyland. I'll post some pictures later on. We had a blast...did some canoeing on the Saco River, rode the alpine slide at Attitash, dipped our toes in the falls at Diana's Baths. Ate a lot and relaxed. The weather was fine until the end of the week, when it turned hot and humid. It's good to be back home though, just relaxing on the couch and watching the Yanks on the tube. Back to the salt mines tomorrow.
Posted by
Anatomically Incorrect
1:32 PM