Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Easy To Slip

It's so easy to slip
It's so easy to fall
And let your memory drift
And do nothin' at all
All the love that you missed
All the people that you can't recall
Do they really exist at all

- Lowell George

It's early on Boxing Day...trying to sort out everything that has been going on during the past week. As I mentioned yesterday, my mom fell at work last week and fractured her left wrist and right arm. She's in a rehab facility that just opened up....told it's beautiful, but there's only five patients in there so far. She's facing six weeks of physical rehab, then will probably miss more time on disability. Spoke to her very briefly yesterday - my brother had her cellphone as she can't hold anything, and started crying while we talked. Broke my heart - it's difficult to be hospitalized during the holidays. We'll be down over the weekend to visit her.

The family is scrambling to make sure my dad is taken care of - at this stage of his Alzheimer's, he can't be left alone. So my sisters, brother, nieces and nephews take turns staying with him. I took him back home last Saturday after visiting my mom and stayed with him for awhile. It was getting late in the day, and he usually gets more disoriented in the late afternoon/early evening (believe this phenomenon is called "sundowning")...he started asking me where I lived and where I was born. I didn't know how I'd react when he didn't recognize/remember me, but I knew the day would come, so I just reminded him I was his son. He's coping so far, but I know he misses my mom terribly.

Christmas was pretty low-key. We had dinner Monday night and exchanged gifts afterwards. G. got Guitar Hero 3 and was rocking that Monday night and yesterday. We hit 7:30 Mass yesterday and went to Sake on Rte. 1 for a traditional Japanese dinner. :-)

Also got called at 10:30pm Christmas Eve on a mail relay server that was non-responsive. I wound up driving up to the datacenter and getting it back online - it's OT and makes up for the time I missed for the half-day I took on Christmas Eve.

Need to finish up some shopping and get ready for the trip to see my family this weekend...then things will settle down.

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