Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Dance It Away

Time to catch up, being the unmotivated blogger I am.

First, my dad had some minor surgery Monday - clearing out a blockage in an artery. He'd been complaining about numbness and tingling in his arm, and an MRI finally turned up the culprit. He's home and resting.

G missed a week of school with a bad cold. She recovered in time to perform in a dance competition on Sunday. She and her team received "high silver honors" for their three routines, and so qualify for the nationals at Cape Cod during the summer.

Had big fun at the SlipKid/Jawn P show last Friday night. Met up with my friend Charlemagne from the Noise Board at the local, and got to Avenue C during the Jawn P set. I got to see Shawn do some rapping, then he vacated the stage to let some special guests up. Thought Jawn did a good job; unfortunately, the crowd was more interested in seeing Gary Cherone and his band.

SlipKid put on a great show - best of the three I've seen. They did a greatest hits set, then tackled the concert version of Tommy for the second. Charlemagne was very impressed, as was I. My highlight came during the end of Tommy, when they were doing the "listening to you..." finale. The sound system cut out, so the crowd continued singing with Cherone's encouragement. Just a lot of fun.

Anyway, back to the real world. Trying to get ready at work to bring in a second consultant and we're gradually shifting our email and file systems to Dallas.

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