Monday, August 27, 2007

Monday Night Raw

Heading into Boston in about an hour with G - we're going to the WWE show at the Garden. G is bouncing off the walls as I type, as she's about to see her hero, John Cena, in person. It should be fun.

Spent last Friday at the North Shore Spirit game in Lynn with a couple of friends from the Noise Board. Sat behind home plate, drank a few beers, watched the game and talked about music. The home team even had a chance to tie the game in the bottom of the ninth, but the runner was thrown out at home (rather easily). Went into Chinatown yesterday for a dim sum run at Emperor's Garden and some bubble tea in Harvard Square.

Hard to believe the football season starts this week. Will have to fight the students moving into their apartments to get to the BC game on Saturday.

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