Monday, October 29, 2007

Run Your Body Down

Today is my nineteenth wedding anniversary. All credit should go to L, who puts up with my nonsense. I'm no one's idea of a day in the park to live with, but she manages. :-)

After running myself down all of last week, I hit the jackpot and caught a head cold. I've been working the Coldeez and feel a bit better, but I also know I'm pretty much down for the week. I need to point to Saturday, as my brother's driving up for the FSU-BC game. So, it will finally be early nights and taking it I should've done last week.

The Jersey trips usually take something out of me...the drive, meeting up with friends. Unfortunately, I had a very late night on Wednesday doing some maintenance, then the BC-VT game Thursday, then out to the local for a while on Friday. By Saturday, I was dragging, but I had promised my friend I'd go see him and the team he's coaching, so that turned into a long day between the game and heading out afterwards. I woke up feeling horrible Sunday, and here I am now. You'd think I would've learned by now.

I'll have to do some housecleaning to be ready by Saturday, but that will have to wait another day or so. All I'm thinking about now is the Nyquil I'll be taking in an hour.

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